Tuesday, June 16, 2015

A Simple, Powerful Vision for Joy, Today and All Days

Make your past the very platform for your future. Do what you’ve never done before. Hammer a stake in the ground, today!
That’s what this article is about: forging a future that departs from the forces that have held us in the past — for far too long.
It starts today. And the vision we create has to in no way be a perfect one to abide us in peace and proffer us to joy. Today is simply a new day. It is a gift the same as all the thousands of days we are given.
As we awaken on a new such day, laying in our beds, having been cared for by God throughout the rest we had, we lay and ponder a moment. Then we spring out of bed. Why? Because we can. Then we wiggle our toes and do a bend-back stretch. Why? Because we can. Then we separate the curtains and open the blinds. Why? You guessed it! Because we can.
We can do what we want today. Everything is a choice. Everything, even to enter a workplace in the sight of fear, bitterness and despair, and do so courageously.
But some of us have arisen this morning to a death in our psyche; an inexplicable heaviness of heart. Perhaps there is thought of the day derailed before it started.
Never mind. Whether we decide to languish or leap is inconsequential. God understands. And with no coercion in view, the Lord will give us power to rise, if we would want — even in some remotest of way — to join his will for life.
God is good. For the capacity to think our way out of the problems of our minds, God is good. He gives us passage along the road of our searching. He gives us the faintest of hopes on the way. And he carries us when we can no longer move.
They say “fake it ‘til you make it.”
This is nothing about that. This is the commitment we can make at any time to decide for life, for in life — which is movement and hope and conquest — is joy. To create the space within our minds for hope — and to keep that space open — is truly life.
To impassion the goodness of God in our own lives, notwithstanding any grief we bear, is to believe; to believe is hope; and, to hope is joy.
© 2015 Steve Wickham. 

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