Friday, January 21, 2011

Three Critical Promises – Then Peace!

Much of the problematic nature of life can be solved by the application of three promises anyone can make themselves; by this a covenant-at-training is enacted. Then peace can be known, finally. Unfortunately, they’re framed negatively, but they have mighty powerful effects:

1. Stop Comparing with Others

Envy is quickly the end of our peace as the other side of the fence looks evergreen; ours brown and drab. Comparisons are the death of the spiritual life—one that’s set apart from the greater known world; hidden with Christ in God (Colossians 3:3). This principle is biblical. See particularly Galatians 6:1-10.

The moment we compare what we have or don’t have with what others have been blessed with we begin a game devoid of any good endpoint. This game involves no thought whatsoever for the poor ones who are worse off. Lost sight is the preponderance of suffering—the scope of every spiritual person’s blessing.

When comparisons are ceased gratitude enfolds and contentment grows. Peace is the common destiny. It’s as simply as that.

2. Stop Complaining about Matters of Life

Like the comparison there’s no limit to the number, variety and nuance of complaint. A person only seeing what there is to be complained about—and we all live there from time to time!—cannot see the enormous warrant of praise there is just to be here.

Think about it; for any moment where the sun is blocked by that fat cumulonimbus filthy dark brown cloud there is no sunlight broaching through. Hope is invisible and may as well be extinguished.

Complaint, like comparison, is a refusal to be thankful; a spiritual blindness. It’s choosing for the God-cursed space of life. Who’d want it, really?

3. Stop Compromising Standards

The former two are about a misdirected focus. This one’s about a lack of diligence. Too quickly do people give up in this life. Yes, we’re all prone. We give up on forging new habits for lack of resolve. We give up on other people for lack of tolerance. We even give up on God when times get too hard.

Compromise of standards can only come when there are competing priorities or temptation to the fleshy desires; when we’re misinformed. Travelling all the way to our goals is unjustifiable in a moment’s insanity. Yet, stop off at an inferior standard and the rotten egg smacks over the face moments later... been there before, but unlike something really new there’s the aggrieved sense of déjà vu.

It stinks to live the other side of compromise.

The Best Most Peaceful Life – Rolling All Three into One

It is best to learn this thing once and for all—yet our learning styles are predisposed to repeat our folly until we’ve really had enough.

Can peace come any more directly than via a thankfully diligent manner of approach to life?

© 2011 S. J. Wickham.

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