Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Catching the ‘Calypso’ Spirit

Not everyone’s given to the adventurous spirit, but life in its fullness misses those that miss it. Life becomes joy in the captivation that is the thrill of adventure.

Resounding like the echo,

The spirit running free,

Darting like a gecko,

Spirit’s returned to me.

Thrilling expanse of hearts aglow,

Risk does all to pant,

Jailing doubts – spirits grow,

Faith and hope do rant.

Stands does this ready to dance,

Free enough to fly,

Warrant special circumstance,

Today’s no day to die.

Hopes beyond dreaming,

Jubilant to launch,

Reality commences streaming,

Freedom like this is staunch.


The Expanse of the Free Life

There is something terrifically resplendent about the life purposed in wilderness and freedom. It limits nothing that is based on the pinnacle of virtue. And though many are perhaps initially hesitant to release the embargo on their soul’s participation in such a scheme, the moment they realise this fun comes with no cost and indwells the very meaning of life, they consent wholeheartedly. There is nothing to lose.

It’s like being involved in a game show to be televised nationally; one that’s safety-guaranteed. All we see is the positive; the negative value is null.

Countering Despair with a Spark of Living Joy

There is joy all about us, in the most static of creaturely things, notwithstanding the wondrous things of God. And never so certainly is this true as we engage with our world in the service of humankind and beyond to farthest reaches of even the smallest in nature.

This is a thing that beleaguers common despair. Joy that is lost to wonder kills despair.

When we recognise that the very best of life lies ever beyond us, not from us running away, but from taking our breath—that gift of life—and giving it to others and other things as our God buffets us still more, fuelling the very alveoli in our lungs, and we’re suddenly home with joy and away from despair.

Life is an adventure with much excitement—exquisite in pleasure and sorrowful in pain, and all between—and we scarcely should resent it. It is not God’s fault ever when this free life takes a turn against us. Without sounding flippant, it is even awesome that we can feel such heights and such depths.

The capacity to feel is one of the greatest of God’s works.

Agreeing with God to Live Calypso-Style

We’re never beyond God’s capturing of our hearts, to the whole gamut of human emotion. And, despite all this knowledge, some still believe there is no lord over life.

This God has decreed a full life for every last one. We will be the ones who reject it. The calypso spirit, however, engenders within us the joyous will to go on past that leering darkness that threatens, ridicules, criticises and condemns.

© 2010 S. J. Wickham.

This article was inspired in some part by John Denver’s song, Calypso (1975).

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