Monday, March 8, 2010


Two great quotes have emerged over the past two days. Both on thinking:

“Our best friends and our worst enemies are our thoughts. A thought can do us more good than a doctor or a banker or a faithful friend. It can also do us more harm than a brick.”

~Frank Crane.

The power of thought; it’s our dearest friend or our scariest nemesis. How is it that the mind can be both things dependent solely on our will? But this is our master key to the psyche—we are but a decision away from a good well-thought-out result.

Herein lays the key: self-discipline. There is nothing like guarding our hearts as a method for shoring up the processes of the mind. And we dearly need to protect the mind as our feelings at times invade, pushing their way around our cognitive spaces, taking up valuable room otherwise set aside for more valuable and timely processing like the nuances of relationships and tasks immediately before us.

The second quote:

“As you think, you travel, and as you love, you attract. You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you.”

~James Lane Allen.

Rather than coming at thought from a polar viewpoint as the initial quote does, this one tackles the destiny of the positive potential of thought.

Why is it we close off our minds so readily when the mind is the golden-gate key to our entire universe? Well, the answer is easy. We must first allow God to forgive us—to accept same—before we can take advantage of his wealth-stores of grace and Spiritual abundance.

As we’ve reconciled to the nature of life, our capacities for open and clear thought grow exponentially—which is actually in ideal accord with God’s very nature.

Blossoming growth and peace for thought are both natural by-products of being in right relationship with God.

Thinking hence is aligned with the process of stage theory. We’ve arrived at the very point we exist in today due to the world of linear decisions we’ve made over our history—one after the other and so on, until this very point in the present time. The stage we’re in right now—yes, present tense—is dictating where we’ll be in five minutes time (and so on).

As we steer our ships of thought past the threatening rocks of fear, and in so doing, avoiding being marooned, we navigate to deeper waters and safety and confidence. So is thought then; a constant movement of life in whatever direction we choose.

© 2010 S. J. Wickham.

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